Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022

Today is a day to remember that change doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. Change doesn’t happen linearly, in an orderly, progressive fashion, but it does happen. Change doesn’t happen without sacrifice, but it does happen. It happens IF we...

The Micropause

A theme that came out of our teacher’s group today was overwhelm, the overwhelm that can come from constant empathetic listening when we aren’t first grounded in ourselves, or have lost the grounding in the moment due to factors such as fear, or judgment,...

Lawrence O’Donnell tells it like it is.

Have you ever yearned to hear someone in authority, even if not in an official place of power, speak plainly about the atrocities perpetrated against the indigenous peoples of North America? This is around five minutes and well worth the listen: LINK. This is how...

Educating for freedom or captivity?

“I want to learn to be free.” That statement, shared by one of the youth in our Theory U for Youth course last night, is ringing in my ears. It feels like it has been reverberating through my body from first grade all the way through my years of teaching...