January 2023 Post #1

I was twelve years old and had run from the school four times. The moons were whole. The assiduous government agents were waiting, waiting, waiting generation after generation without fail for the defeated tribes to stop running. The agents, hired hunters for the...

Education for Human Beings

Education and the Nature of Childhood By Joan Jaeckel (Originally published on Medium)  This post features an essay, originally curated by me for a special issue on “socially responsible education” in Green Money Journal, by Arthur Zajonc,...

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022

Today is a day to remember that change doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. Change doesn’t happen linearly, in an orderly, progressive fashion, but it does happen. Change doesn’t happen without sacrifice, but it does happen. It happens IF we...

The Micropause

A theme that came out of our teacher’s group today was overwhelm, the overwhelm that can come from constant empathetic listening when we aren’t first grounded in ourselves, or have lost the grounding in the moment due to factors such as fear, or judgment,...