We are so excited to be partnering with Dr. Angel Acosta to make the Healing-Centered Education Summit possible. If we think about education as a way to develop the capacities in our youth to thrive in their communities, it is not a far leap to think of education then as needing to center healing. Who doesn’t need healing in 2021? And I don’t only mean our students. Healing-Centered Education centers everyone in the learning environment, including those who spend their days with youth, facilitating learning in whatever role they hold—teacher, aide, principal, bus driver, or front office staff. Healing-Centered schools understand that social fields have real impact on everyone in them. This means children and youth are nourished when the adults around them are flourishing. Read more about the Summit on October 7-9 on the Partners page, and if you register, use the community discount code. I hope we see you there!